Friday, September 4, 2020
Accounting System Paper Essay Example for Free
Bookkeeping System Paper Essay Kudler Fine Foods has made a great showing with its present bookkeeping framework by physically following information and not having a uniform framework for giving data about that information. Information is the crude and chaotic adaptation of data while data is arranged and understandable information that associates to the business. Kudler Fine Foods is making a change from the not so much proficient but rather more work escalated bookkeeping techniques to an innovation based bookkeeping framework which sets aside cash being that it is increasingly productive and progressively hearty. The center highlights, advantages, and cost will be examined as you keep on perusing this paper. As referenced before, Kudler Fine Foods is making a change to a modernized bookkeeping framework which will be able to speak with all parts of the business. Kudler Fine nourishments will use a bookkeeping framework which is basic piece of the Enterprise asset arranging programming that is being sent in the Kudler Fine Foods condition. The ERP programming will have the option to catch continuous information legitimately from the retail location (sales registers) and naturally alter stock and benefit information. See more: Social Satire in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay The bookkeeping programming will likewise utilize a consistence the board highlight will give total exchange review trails and rules-based controls and propelled announcing capacities which are agreeable with laws and guidelines. More advantages are progressed money related determining the can precisely anticipate and evaluate likely benefits and pending misfortunes, income and income. This enables Kudler Fine Foods to break down past patterns to assist settle on with bettering business choices later on. Furthermore, the bookkeeping programming will enable Kudler Fine Foods to profound jump into the money the executives part of their business by more precisely evaluating current and future money needs and track all exchanges that legitimately sway accessible money levels. In an ERP domain, Kudler Fine Foods will embrace a customer/server framework. The Client/Server innovation model is the model where today’s virtual products are created. A Client/Server model is one in which the customer PC is recognized independently from the server PC. This will require servers with Windows serve 2008 and organizing hardware which will permit all workstations to impart to application servers, shared information drives and speak with the outside world. With the additional advantages of an ERP framework in the Kudler Fine Food condition, comes an additional cost of help of the framework. As of now, Kudler Fine Foods can foresee a cost of twenty-5,000 dollars with an expected roof of 200 fifty thousand dollars. References Top 10 ERP. (2012). Recovered from correlation innovation 140 Technology required for Erp. (2012). Recovered from
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
CRISP methodology
Fresh strategy Well we got 2 informational indexes to investigation utilizing SPSS PASW 1) Wine Quality Data Set and 2) The Poker Hand Data Set. We can do this utilizing CRISP strategy. Let us look what is CRISP by wikipedia CRISP-DM represents Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining It is an information mining process model that portrays generally utilized methodologies that master information excavators use to handle issues. PASW Modeler is an information mining workbench that empowers you to rapidly create prescient models utilizing business aptitude and send them into business activities to improve dynamic. Planned around the business standard CRISP-DM model, IBM SPSS PASW Modeler bolsters the whole information mining process, from information to better business results. Fresh DM, Clementines own lightweight procedure of 5 phases Business Understanding, Data Understanding, Data Preparation Displaying, Evaluation and Deployment. Fresh Methodology Business Understanding: Understanding the venture prerequisites destinations from a business point of view, and afterward changing over this information into an information mining issue definition Information understanding In this progression following exercises are going on, Data understanding, Collecting Initial Data at that point depicting Data, Exploring Data and ultimately confirming Data Quality The information readiness stage Errands incorporate table, record, and characteristic determination just as change and cleaning of information for demonstrating tools.Cleaning Data utilizing fitting cleaning and purifying techniques at that point Integrating Data into a solitary point. Displaying: Determination and utilization of different demonstrating strategies done in this stage, and their boundaries are acclimated to ideal qualities. Fundamentally, there are more than one procedure for similar information mining issue type. A few procedures have explicit prerequisites on the type of information. Subsequently, venturing back to the information readiness stage is frequently required. Steps comprise of Generating a Test Design, Building the Models surveying the Model Assessment Working of model (or models) happens in this stage. Prior to continuing to conclusive organization of the model, it is critical to all the more altogether assess the model, and audit the means executed to develop the model. Arrangement In the last stage Knowledge picked up is composed introduced so an end client can without much of a stretch use it. According to the prerequisites this can be a report or an unpredictable information mining process. Regularly Customers complete the sending step Wine quality informational index Wine quality is demonstrated under characterization and relapse draws near, which protects the request for the evaluations. Logical information is given as far as an affectability investigation, which gauges the reaction changes when a given info variable is fluctuated through its area The red wine informational collection contains 1600 examples out of which I have chosen 200 arbitrary examples and doing the analysis(Data mining can't find designs that might be available in the bigger assemblage of information if those examples are absent in the example being mined ) .So I chose the informational index remembering. The informational index I have chosen has high certainty. With estimations of 13 substance constituents (for example liquor, Mg) and the objective is to locate the nature of red and white wine. Information factors 1 fixed sharpness 2 unstable corrosiveness 3 citrus extract 4 leftover sugar 5 chlorides 6 free sulfur dioxide 7 all out sulfur dioxide 8 thickness 9 pH 10 sulfates 11 liquor Yield variable is quality (score somewhere in the range of 0 and 10) Fresh strategy has been finished out the stage .By checking the site and assets found out about the wine area .the subsequent stage was to check whether mistaken, absent or irregular qualities in the informational collection end guarantee the information quality. Information nature of the informational collection is generally excellent. PASW Data stream characterization of red and white wines Characterization for Red and White wine 2 informational collections red wine and white wine have been imported utilizing variable record hubs Use of type hub here is to depict the qualities of information. . The Classification and Regression (CR) Tree hub is a tree-based characterization and expectation technique. Like C5.0, this technique utilizes recursive apportioning to part the preparation records into fragments with comparable yield field esteems. The CR Tree hub begins by looking at the information fields to locate the best split, estimated by the decrease in a polluting influence file that outcomes from the split. The split characterizes two subgroups, every one of which is in this manner split into two additional subgroups, etc, until one of the halting standards is activated. All parts are twofold (just two subgroups) Red Wines variable significance White wine variable significance From variable significance chart we can say that significant ascribe to decide Red wine quality is pH. The variable significance is in the request pH, citrus extract, chloride as appeared in the figure1. Be that as it may, for deciding White wines quality the most contributing trait is chloride and second characteristic is Alcohol. Investigation and end The above produced tree comprises of hubs and its kids. The top hub speak to the all out number of wine tests and what number of number has a place with various categories(1 to 9).The previously split is on chloride. This infers the majority of the wine has a place with chloride level0.041.We see that great quality wine has chloride level It has been found from check Vs Quality diagram that what number of has a place with great quality classifications. Alcoholic centralization of white wine tests is more than that of red wine test. Great wines regularly have high focus. So we can infer that White wine tests are acceptable. In the white wine chloride level is ordinarily high that infers it has got great Aroma. Where as in red wine the citrus level is between specific levels that shows the red wine is delicious!! PASW has various 2-D and 3-D outlines like bar, pie, histogram, dissipate and so on for time being I am utilizing direct diagram and 3-d disperse chart. You can utilize any of the diagram according to the prerequisites. A few charts are anything but difficult to decipher .Let us consider a 2-D diagram between most contributing variable pH and quality from the diagram unmistakably the connection transport among pH and quality is so that if pH is in the middle of 3.23 and 3.27 quality is acceptable. Quality is low for 3.38 and 3.50.We can plot comparative chart among quality and citrus extract or towards what regularly contributing variable at that point discover the connection transport between them Let us plot a chart among chloride and Quality for the white wine. In the underneath figure it shows the quality is generally excellent when chloride level beneath 0.036.And quality in the range 5 to 6 when chloride level is over .048. Like this if plot a diagram among quality and liquor we will see the quality is too acceptable if alcoholic focus in the middle of 12.5 and 13(as per the example I have broke down) 3D diagram which shows the connection transport between liquor, quality and chloride level of white wine from the 2d examination it was demonstrated how the quality is being influenced by single variable. In the event that the one variable doesn't tell about how quality being connected we can check connection transport between 3 factors utilizing a 3d diagram. It is having 3 tomahawks. How Regression is valuable In this different relapse ,Predictors, for example, (Constant), liquor, fixed corrosiveness, remaining sugar, chlorides, unpredictable causticity, free sulfur dioxide, sulfates, pH, complete sulfur dioxide, citrus extract, thickness decide the estimation of value. Underneath gave a Pasw stream for relapse. Each by changing the free factors esteem we can get estimation of ward variable quality. With the assistance of a speculation we have to comprehend and construct a connection transport among the factors. To anticipate the mean quality incentive for a given autonomous variable (state unstable corrosiveness) we need a line which goes between the mean estimation of both quality and unpredictable sharpness and which limit the aggregate of separation between every one of the focuses and prescient line. This fits into a line. The Poker Hand Data Set Each record is a case of a hand comprising of five playing a game of cards drawn from a standard deck of 52. Each card is portrayed utilizing two traits (suit and rank), for a sum of 10 prescient properties. There is one Class characteristic that portrays the Poker Hand. The request for cards is significant and there are 480 potential Royal Flush hands. Underneath talking about how to decide poker hands utilizing information mining. I am thinking about characterization as it were. In the event that we think about grouping/Regression it doesn't bode well PASW MODEL CLASSIFICATION USING CRT ALGORITHAM We got preparing and testing informational index .First applying a model on preparing informational index. Source record is a Comma isolated document (CSV) with 1 million lines. It is hard to do investigate on this info informational index so chosen test informational index and doing the examination. Issue confronted The given source information was not in an importance full organization so I have given significant quality name and Values by utilizing Vlookup work in MS exceed expectations, presently the information has become all the more importance full and it would seem that beneath. Information purging is significant and goes under information readiness period of the philosophy Exactness of prescient model The precision of prescient model is checked by investigation hub. It has been discovered that precision is 90%. Utilizing the Algorithm need to foresee any of these: 0: Nothing close by; 1: One pair;2: Two pairs;3: Three of a kind;4: Straight;5: Flush; 6: Full house;7: Four of a kind;8: Straight flush;9: Royal flush; Let me state what did I comprehended from the graph. Rank2 (rank of card2) is most contributing variable to foresee poker hands. Plainly Rank of first, fourth and second cards are more contributing than suit of those cards. The distinctive segment of pie outline speaks to number of cards in a specific poker class. Blue speaks to No Poker; Red speaks to ONE PAIR, Green speak to Royal substance How Pasw assists with doing characterization Pasw has got number tree c
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Robert Rauschenberg free essay sample
â€Å"Estate†by Robert Rauschenberg is by a long shot the most intriguing bit of work of art seen at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Robert Rauschenberg is a notable Abstract Expressionist of the cutting edge workmanship period. Robert Rauschenberg is generally well known for his Combines of the 1950s, in which he utilizes non-conventional materials and items in blends. While the Combines are both painting and model, Rauschenberg has likewise worked with photography, printmaking, papermaking, and execution. Robert Rauschenberg’s â€Å"Estate†is both dynamic and expressionism. He utilizes unique shapes and shading patches in his work. There is a great deal of utilization of warm hues such a red, orange and yellow in which gives one a hot and dynamic feel. The ground-breaking hues catch distinctive passionate responses. The signal lines permit one to see Robert’s arm at work. Redundancy is utilized with the brisk liquid strokes alongside intense strokes that he utilizes on the canvas. We will compose a custom article test on Robert Rauschenberg or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The corner to corner lines give a vibe of dangerous vitality to the fine art. There is a hilter kilter balance in the work in light of the fact that the weight offsets other. There is all the more going on towards the correct side, than the left which gives the work of art an uneven look. Despite the fact that Rauschenberg utilizes unmistakable pictures he makes them his own by titling and turning the pictures sideways to give them an alternate impact. The materials used to make this craftsmanship incorporate oil, silk screened ink alongside photograph screen. (MSN) The oil permitted Rauschenberg to mix the hues legitimately on the canvas. He likewise accumulated the oil thickly giving it a ruff finished look. The oil additionally permits the work of art to have shadows. Photograph screen is utilized with natural pictures, for example, the sculpture of freedom alongside Michelangelo’s â€Å"Last Judgment. †â€Å"Rauschenberg would screen in craftsmanship generations, pictures from papers, and mysterious photos of city scenes. †(Art Culture) The photograph screening gives the craftsmanship singularity. This work of art was really motivated by rubbish, Robert Rauschenberg use to stroll around the square gathering things that he discovered fascinating. He states, â€Å"I needed some different option from what I could make myself and I needed to utilize the amazement and the aggregation and the liberality of discovering shocks. †(Art Info) Therefore, the workmanship was intended for watchers to be amazed, and inquisitive. It is intended to be a universe of amazements, and open up people’s psyche to what the boulevards and the city truly is. â€Å"It makes our impression of both road and city changed. †(Art Info) â€Å"Estate†is viewed as separated of the theoretical expressionism elaborate development which was made during the American post WWII development. This development dismissed customary European composition styles and stressed on expressive signals. It is likewise separated of the pop craftsmanship development which rose in the mid 1950’s in Britain and spread all through the United States. It utilized items and pictures from famous, business culture. â€Å"Estate†is remarkable, and is not normal for any of the craftsmanship that preceded it. Previously, the work of art was extremely straightforward with the utilization of dull hues. It didn't have any articulations or feelings appended. This craftsmanship is exceptionally modernized with the utilization of brilliant, strong hues, photos and the utilization of theoretical shapes. It created from past workmanship styles such conceptual, oddity and expressionism; taking a smidgen of every beautician development to make this. It mirrors the 21st century culture since it is very â€Å"busy. †The work of art has numerous things going on which reflects how Americans are in the 21st century; we are on the whole incredibly occupied in our lives. I consider â€Å"Estate†to be a legitimate gem, I accept that is exceptionally innovative and draws out a great deal of feeling from the craftsman. I think it is a lovely bit of work of art that is exceptional.
Psychoanalysis and Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness Essay -- Heart Da
Therapy and The Heart of Darknessâ â Â Â â â In Lacanian therapy, recounting stories is basic to the analysand's (re)cognition of injury. Julia Kristeva alludes to the analysand's story as an occurrence of 'fringe' [neurotic] talk which gives the investigator the impression of something alogical, unstitched, and riotous (42). She at that point investigates the joy (jouissance) that the analysand encounters over the span of Lacan's talking fix. For the analysand, the joy is in the telling: [T]he investigator is struck by a specific twisted eroticization of discourse, as though the patient were sticking to it, swallowing it down, sucking on it, taking pleasure in all the parts of an oral eroticization and a narcissistic seat strap which this sort of non-open, exhibitionistic, and bracing utilization of discourse involves (42). This thought of delight in-telling serves both as a state of flight in my perusing of Marlow's account - his own talking fix - and as a methods for investigating the joy in-perusing inside the nar ratological economy of want. In his Freudian translation of the Heart of Darkness, Peter Brooks attests that we should solicit what propels Marlow's retellings- - from his own and Kurtz's human undertakings (239). Creeks reasons that the essential inspiration is Marlow's quest for some portion of fundamental significance at the center of Kurtz's story. Perusing in a Lacanian register, I contend rather that the quest for significance assumes an optional job to the recounting the story itself. Without a doubt, as Slavoj Zizek notes, side effects have no significance outside the setting of the reproduced scene of injury: The examination delivers reality, i.e., the implying outline which provides for the side effects their emblematic spot and importance... ...tial significance of being on the planet were uncovered and each injury were exposed, there would be no inquiries left to pose and no accounts left to tell. By not uncovering the core of murkiness - which Lacan would contend can never be uncovered - Conrad leaves the important space for want in the story. In this manner, the narratological economy of want is kept up. Â Works Cited Creeks, Peter. Perusing for the Plot: Design and Intention in Narrative. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1984. Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. New York: Dover, 1990. Kristeva, Julia. Inside the Microcosm of 'The Talking Cure.' Interpreting Lacan. Eds. Joseph Smith and William Kerrigan. New Haven: Yale UP, 1983. Zizek, Slavoj. The Truth Arises from Misrecognition. Lacan and the Subject of Language. Eds. Ellie Ragland-Sullivan and Mark Bracher. New York: Routledge, 1991. Â Â
Friday, August 21, 2020
Ethical Issues Involving Withdrawal Or Withholding Treatments In The Essay
Moral Issues Involving Withdrawal Or Withholding Treatments In The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) - Essay Example As far as account, withdrawal or retaining medications in the emergency unit guard on the limit of the family members of the patient to pay for the expenses of social insurance administrations. Be that as it may, budgetary imperatives don't make pulling back or retaining treatment moral. Retaining treatment is grounded on clinical, moral, social, and strict estimations of the patient and the family members of the critically ill patient. Various patients have various conclusions on the issue. Be that as it may, rich patients like to proceed with the treatment since they can bear to take care of the medicinal services tabs. Then again, generally poor and penniless patients and family members of poor patients like to remove the existence support and other wellbeing dragging out clinical types of gear and prescriptions to the patients. Ian Thompson (2006) underlined applying the utilitarianism morals idea, the attendant and clinical specialist can underscore that the morals should concen trate on the standard â€Å"the end legitimizes the means†. Under this hypothesis, it would be morally desirable over evacuate the existence emotionally supportive network if the proceeded with utilization of the existence emotionally supportive network would just delay the enduring of the at death's door understanding. Under the utilitarian morals hypothesis, the murdering of the patient would be ideal in light of the fact that the final product would be the equivalent: the patient can't circumvent looming passing. Then again, Ian Thompson (2006) likewise clarified deontology morals expresses that a standard ought to be execute in all circumstances. Under the deontology morals idea, there are no exemptions to the standard. The standard of staying away from the surrender or executing of the patient ought to be to maintained in all circumstances. Therefore, the attendant and the clinical specialist ought not acknowledge the solicitation of the family members to reassess in lig ht of the fact that they can no longer stand to pay for the administrations of the clinical specialist, nurture, and other social insurance costs. Also, the clinical specialist can't exhort the family members that it is smarter to abbreviate the enduring of the patient by expelling the existence support. Further, most clinical specialists and medical caretakers actualize utilitarianism morals in their training. The attendants and clinical specialists acknowledge the patients’ family’s solicitation to stop the existence emotionally supportive network because of absence of assets to taking care of the expanding medical clinic tabs of the at death's door understanding. The explanation is financial aspects. The medicinal services community can't stand to proceed with the treatment without installment. In like manner, the patient and the family members don't have assets to pay for the proceeded with treatment of the patient. In the exploration directed, doctors and groups o f patients in a coma framework concurred on the choice on when to restrict the existence emotionally supportive network of their at death's door family members (Tschudin, 2003). An exploration was led on 3,498 continuous patients conceded in six serious consideration units. 6.6 percent of the absolute populace had their treatment retained or pulled back. Therefore, 221 kicked the bucket in the ICU. The proposition to retain treatment was instructed by the doctors on 210 regarding the 226 patients. The relatives proposed the retention of treatment in the staying 16 patients (Esteban et. al., 2001). In another examination led, doctors in Israel retained as well as had pulled back the patients’ life emotionally supportive network. This is unscrupulous. The investigation concentrated on the emergency unit a college medical clinic in Israel. The discoveries of the examination showed the existence emotionally supportive network in 52 of the 385 patients had cardiopulmonary revival.
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Kickoff! No, this entry is not about Kelly Clarkson. Its about FIRST Robotics. This past weekend, I attended the Founders Reception and Kickoff Event on behalf of MIT Admissions. Ill explain how FIRST and KC are connected in a moment. But first, let me explainFIRST. FIRST (which stands for For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) was founded by inventor Dean Kamen and MIT professor Woodie Flowers back in 1989, before most students now applying to MIT were even born. The goal of FIRST, broadly speaking, is to inspire students towards a lifelong devotion to science, technology, and engineering. FIRST works something like this: every year, in January, a star-studded team of engineers on the Game Design Committee unveil that years game to the 37,000+ students on 3,000+ teams in 12 countries worldwide. The games change every year, but always certain things remain the same: two alliances of three robots each compete against each other on a small, enclosed field, roughly the size of a small basketball court. The robots are based off of common kits to which teams add their own modifications and designs (subject to a sort of salary cap meant to mitigate economic, rather than engineering, advantages). Teams then have six weeks to conceive, design, and build their robots, which are then sent out to at least one of 57 Regionals across the world. Then, at Regionals, theyll compete against a field of dozens for the chance to qualify for the Championship Event in Atlanta. But the competition isnt the point of FIRST, or rather, its a means, not an end. The point of FIRST is, in the words of Wikipedia, to promote a philosophy of teamwork and collaboration among engineers and encourages competing teams to remain friendly, helping each other out when necessary, in addition to getting students excited about science and technology. And boy, do they get excited. Trust me, you havent seen excited until youve seen 6,000 students in an arena, dressed and painted in their team colors, banging away on noisemakers, screaming themselves hoarse with chants, with every emotion they have riding on the backs of the robots theyve built. Im not posting a competition video here because a grainy 480360 video cant do it justice you need to go to a regional event and see for yourself. FIRST might just be the best opportunity for aspiring techies to learn not just how to wield a soldering iron but how to interact with others in the spirit of gracious professionalism. The spirit of coopertition that FIRST inculcates among its participants characterizes the MIT campus spirit too students working hard, working smart, collaborating well, and tempering their technical, interpersonal, and leadership skills under a healthy, educational, and beneficent duress. Perhaps thats why as Woodie said at Kickoff 1 in 9 MIT students participated in FIRST in high school. Thats not to say that FIRST is a prerequisite for admission, or that it gives you a dispositive advantage in admissions (after all, invert that statistic and youll see that 8 of 9 MIT students didnt participate in FIRST). What FIRST does is help inspire students to pursue careers in engineering, science, and technology; to endow them with the time-management and prioritization skills that will make them successful competitors in any field; and to develop in them the collaborative spirit that will make them a success in any interpersonal endeavor. These characteristics are shared by many great students, and thus many great MIT applicants, and so the subset of students who participate in FIRST and those who enroll at MIT intersect comparatively often. To use the language of formal logic, FIRST is not a necessary condition for admission to MIT, but excellence in FIRST (as demonstrated best by letters of recommendation from mentors and/or examples of engineering work) may be sufficient to show us some of what youve got to offer. So what does FIRST have to do with this Kelly Clarkson song? First, when it dropped in 2004, I was a subteam captain and the spirit leader (which is sort of like cheerleader, only much geekier) of Team 1073 during my personal favorite FIRST game. After graduating, I continued to mentor the team throughout college. Now, I am, to the best of my knowledge, the first FIRST alumnus to be an MIT Admissions Officer. So the date on this song makes me more than a little nostalgic. I did a lot in high school football, newspaper, theater, skiing but all these years later FIRST remains the best thing I ever did, because it taught me all the skills I outlined above. I didnt even pursue science or engineering in college, but I am far and away the better for my FIRST experience. Second, and more importantly, the song shares the title of this years game: Breakaway. Heres the animation describing the game, created by NASAs Dave Lavery, posted to YouTube by Team 801: To read more about the game, you can read this great article in Popular Mechanics about FIRST, this years game, what went into its design (sneak preview: the lead engineer of Cirque de Soleil was brought in to help this year!), etc. For those of you who are seniors, I know the excitement and stress of applications season has been inexorably followed by the excitement and stress of FIRST season. Let me give you some advice, bad news first. Bad: your college application season will not go perfectly. No matter how good of a student you are, no matter how polished your application, some irreconcilable tension will remain. Good: your FIRST season CAN go perfectly, because the point of FIRST is not to win or lose, the point of FIRST is to develop all the skills I mentioned above, because they will help you be successful no matter where you go and no matter what you do. Come to think of it why are you still reading this blog? Isnt there a robot that needs building? That crate wont pack itself! Good luck, and see you at the championship! Post Tagged #FIRST robotics competition
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Jane Eyre A Feminist Look - Free Essay Example
Women have been deemed inferior to the male sex since the start of civilization and to this day, women around the world are still held captive by the prison that society forces them into. Although society in first world countries has evolved since the time that Jane Eyre was written, it was a very different story from what it is now. Charlotte Bronte was a female writer in a white mans world and in order for her voice to be heard she had to create a pseudonym to be perceived as a serious author. In Jane Eyre, Bronte writes of a strong-willed woman growing up in 19th century England and how she deals with the inequalities and hardships of being an unmarried, working-class woman by the people with total control of their lives: the white men. Throughout the novel, there are issues of prejudice and emotional abuse within a marriage-obsessed society that present themselves and it is up to Jane to make the decisions that are going to benefit her in the long run. The novel begins in Janes childhood and describes her time living with her aunt, Mrs. Reed, her cousins, and the workers of Gateshead Hall. The issues that are presented in this portion of the novel are of class differences. Jane is an orphan and has no money of her own because her parents did not leave her any. Even though she lives with her wealthy relatives, she is considered inferior to her family members which results to the constant mistreatment of her well being by her neglectful aunt and villainous cousin, John Reed. He bullied and punished me; not two or three times in a week, nor once or twice in a day, but continually. (4) Jane is being harmed by the only male in power. John Reed knows that he will inherit his familys fortune thus becoming the patriarch of the family. This scene seems to infer that Mrs. Reed takes no notice to her dismay not only because Mrs. Reed does not really care about Jane but it perpetuates the idea that boys will be boys. As a child, Jane was nota bly more rebellious  than the children in her household. When she tried to defend herself from John Reed, Bessie and Miss Abbot punish her for striking a young gentleman(7). His bullying could not even be penalized because he was the male power. Girls at this time were to be quiet and at the feet of their male counterparts. Instead of justice being brought, it only brought shame and torture for girls and women. Mrs. Reed decides to send Jane to an uninhabitable boarding school, Lowood Institution, and leave her there until she finishes her education. Mrs. Reed saw this as an opportunity to get rid of the responsibility her husband left for her as his wish on his deathbed, not because she cared about Janes education or quality of life. The education of women in the Victorian era was concluded unnecessary because women were meant to only be good wives to their husbands. It was a worse situation for working-class women because they could only receive the most basic type of education. Hence, schooling was majorly based on the class one belonged to and gender. Victorian attitudes toward education differed considerably from those prevalent in modern America. For one thing, the level of ones schooling was determined by ones social class and also by ones gender. (Gale) The way girls were taught were extremely different from the way boys were taught. When Jane arrives at Lowood, she is explained by a girl what her classes are and who will teach her. The one with the red cheeks is called Miss Smith; she attends to the work, and cuts out- for we make our own clothes, our frocks, and pelisses, and everything; the little one with the black hair is Miss Scatchard; she teaches history and grammar, and hears the second class repetitions; and the one who wears a shawl and has a pocket-handkerchief tied to her side with a yellow riband, is Madame Pierrot; she comes from Lisle, in France, and teaches French. (52) This reflects what girls were being taught subjects that would most likely not lead to a career while boys were taught subjects that could further their educational careers. In the traditional curriculum of the time, girls and young women did not study such serious subjects as mathematics, science, or classics. However, they were taught grammar, history, geography, and French. Art, music, and sewing or embroidery were also considered appropriate subjects, and young women wer e all expected to have a knowledge of the Bible and basic Christian teachings. (Gale) Jane eventually leaves Lowood after Miss Temple leaves to be a housewife and advertises her services as being a governess where she obtains a position at Thornfield. When Janes mother figure Miss Temple leaves Lowood to be a wife, she gains more perspective as to how Miss Temple has affected her life. Miss Temples abandoning of her career for marriage is an indication of how women would have to leave her career behind to become a wife. She could not do both or would be negatively branded as an old maid or maiden aunt. In a society where this was the expectations of all women, many women with any type of career had to make a choice. Womens roles in the Western world during the 1800s were highly restricted and centered around husband and family. A woman was expected to find a man to marry and then raise a family. Single women were labeled, old maids. (Shultz) As they had to choose between being a working woman or wife, there were not many opportunities for women to work in diverse fields. Women and girls had few avenues for supporting themselves financially if they werent married or their husband died or ran off. Without education or job skills, so me relied on a handful of charitable organizations, such as the Chicago Relief and Aid Society, for bare-bones necessities.(Shultz) Because of the lack of effort into girls education, women could rarely advance to vigorous careers.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Famine, Affluence and Morality - 1663 Words
Singer’s Famine, Affluence, and Morality Ametra Heard PHI208 Ethics and Moral Reasoning Instructor Zummuna Davis January 14, 2013 Singer’s Famine, Affluence, and Morality In the Peter Singer’s article â€Å"Famine, Affluence, and Morality†, he discusses the way that people should take moral in their help toward the support of the Bengal famine crisis. Singer states three obligations that would help the Bengal region through the means of a wealthy person, and those individuals living life on a day to day basis. In this paper I will expound on Singer’s goal for each obligation, explain the three counter-arguments with Singer’s response, define and identify marginal utility as it relates to Singer’s arguments, and compare the ideas of duty†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"That persons with very low incomes may merit our sympathy is accepted, but sympathy leads to charity, rather than to the involuntary exploitation of the better off†(Narveson, 2004). Singer also says that people with a maintainable amount of wealth should give more than the X amount asked for , being that the predicament that some are not able to give or they can give less than the amount asked for. â€Å"Another, more serious reason for not giving to famine relief funds is that until there is effective population control, relieving famine merely postpone starvation†(Singer, 1972). The final and third counter-argument is that Singer question exactly how much we should be giving away. In this counter-argument, Singer talks of giving until one reaches marginal utility; or in the case where suffering would have greatly increased or decreased in his self, if he gave more than one can afford to give. One should avoid bad things from happening or sacrificing too much to help those in need. Giving until you reach your marginal utility is only required. â€Å"Singer believes we are obliged to give money away until our sacrifice is of comparable moral importance to the agony of people starving to death†(Specter, 1999). This is our duty to do so. An exampleSh ow MoreRelatedFamine Affluence And Morality1963 Words  | 8 PagesIn â€Å"Famine, Affluence and Morality,†Peter Singer emphasizes the potential revisionary implications of accepting utilitarianism as a guide for conduct. The moral philosophy Singer conveys in this text are most closely related and comparable to the ideas of nineteenth-century English philosopher, John Stuart Mill as Singers’ approach is utilitarian rather than deontological. Despite their similarities, the ideas of Singer and J.S Mill contain many discrepancies, especially with regard to whether theyRead MoreFamine, Affluence, And Morality1555 Words  | 7 Pagesbetween numerous countries across the world, and enables people living in developed countries to help those who are experiencing famine, deaths and diseases in poor countries. However, the moral necessity of doing so has been controversial in human’s society for years. One philosopher named Peter Singer gives his opinion in the article â€Å"Famine, Affluence, and Morality†, and presents a powerful argument supporting his claim. In this essay, I will explain his conclusion and main argument, propose oneRead MoreFamine, Affluence, And Morality906 Words  | 4 PagesWithin â€Å"Famine, Affluence, and Morality†Peter Singer delves into the topic of famine; specifically, the moral obligations individuals in affluent countries have to those who are suffering. In his example, Singer focuses on the population of East Bengal, and their struggle with famine and extreme poverty. Singer proposes that with enough aid from both individuals and various governments extreme poverty can be eradicated. Therefore, the question he presents is why poor people are dying while affluentRead MoreFamine, Affluence, And Morality1991 Words  | 8 PagesWojtek Sokà ³Ã…‚ Phi 115-002 Ethics – Final Paper Famine, Affluence, and Morality Peter Singer Jimmy carter once said, We know that a peaceful world cannot long exist, one-third rich and two-thirds hungry. With the world now more interconnected than ever there might be a solution to world hunger by distribution of wealth. Peter Singer, in his article titled, Famine, Affluence, and Morality, takes this concept of unity that we have on a global scale and tries to tackle the issue of world hunger. BeforeRead MoreFamine, Affluence, and Morality Essay892 Words  | 4 PagesIn the article by Singer, P. (1972) â€Å"Famine, affluence, and morality†main argument is that to persuade his readers in what people of wealth and governments should help with famine relief, especially in East Bengal as one example given. Singer is furthermore also mention somewhat of and utilitarianism. Therefore, according to Mosser, K. (2010) â€Å"A concise introduction to philosophy†states that the â€Å"act utilitarianism applies the idea of utilitarianism to specific acts, emphasizi ng what moral isRead More Famine, Affluence, and Morality Essay2027 Words  | 9 Pagesâ€Å"Famine, Affluence, and Morality†     In â€Å"Famine, Affluence, and Morality,†Peter Singer is trying to argue that â€Å"the way people in relatively affluent countries react to a situation†¦ cannot be justified; indeed,†¦ our moral conceptual scheme needs to be altered and with it, the way of life that has come to be taken for granted in our society†(Singer 230). Peter Singer provides striking examples to show the reader how realistic his arguments are. In this paper, I will briefly give a summary ofRead MoreFamine, Affluence and Morality by Peter Singers929 Words  | 4 Pages In this essay I will be arguing why a utilitarian could possibly disagree with Peter Singers Argument presented in â€Å"Famine, Affluence and Morality.†After reading such an interesting paper I must say as much as I disagreed with Singers viewpoints I almost found it difficult to object them with support. From a utilitarian point of view we are to maximize Happiness by reducing suffering. How can Giving possible make someone unhappy? But as I was thinking a saying came across my mind, â€Å"Two steps forwardRead MoreFamine, Affluence, and Morality Essay1371 Words  | 6 PagesFamine, Affluence, and Morality Websters English Dictionary defines morality as: the conformity to ideals of right human conduct. With this in mind, I wonder who determines right human conduct? Religion aside, there is no literary context that strictly states the rights and wrongs of human behavior. So who decides? Who determines what we ought morally to do and what we are obligated to do as a society? An Australian philosopher, Peter Singer attempts to draw the line between obligationRead MoreFamine, Affluence and Morality by Pete Singer1045 Words  | 4 PagesIn the article, â€Å"Famine, Affluence, and Morality†, Pete Singer, a Utilitarian, argues that citizens in affluent countries such as the United States have a moral obligation to give up as much as they can for famine relief. Singer’s contention in his article is that the way we morally conduct ourselves ought to be reappraised. (Singer, 230). I Singer’s argument, and in this paper, I will examine the distinction between duty a nd charity, compare both deontological and consequential theories of ethicsRead MoreFamine, Affluence and Morality by Peter Singer1486 Words  | 6 PagesIn his own essay â€Å"Famine, Affluence and Morality†, Peter Singer puts forth some compelling arguments for affluent people to give what they have in excess, to the suffering people of the world. Before any criticism is made, here is the argument: - There are people suffering and dying from lack of food, shelter and medical care. - People suffering and dying from lack of food, shelter and medical care is bad. - If you have the power to prevent something bad from happening without sacrificing †¨anything
Monday, May 18, 2020
Television Violence - 1499 Words
Who should be responsible for Television Violence? Composition II Who should be responsible for Television Violence? Can we afford to continue ignoring the connection between television violence and the increase in mass murders? The answer is no. We have to take a stance now and fight for stricter regulations by the government and the Federal Communications Committee (FCC). Television has been associated with influencing controversial acts since the beginning of its creation. One of the most recent acts that television is being blamed for is the violence associated Columbine High School murders in 1999. Many adults enjoy the entertainment of bad cop versus good cop, as well as the violent acts that are†¦show more content†¦This works because it helps eliminate the peer pressure amongst children who can and cannot watch certain shows. The second half to the village theory is the way government handles certain regulations. Currently the government assigns the FCC to regulate all media matters. The FCC enforces laws prohibiting the airing of obscene programming at any time and the airing of indecent programming or profane language during certain hours. The FCC also has the ability to revoke a station license, impose a monetary forfeiture or issue a warning if any station violates the law. However this is limited to nudity and foul language. Congress has not given the FCC power to regulate violence. So, the message is it’s more important to bleep foul language or run to commercial if there is a wardrobe malfunction but the research that shows violence is link to aggression in children sends no red flag. Congress has the most influence so it is time for them to become more aggressive in regulating the time and amount of violence that currently airs. This was stated very clearly by the West Virginia, Senator Jay Rockefeller, â€Å"Congress, has not done enough to protect children and families from the kind of violence that occurred on Dec. 14 at Sandy Hook elementary in Connecticut.†(Plummer, 2012, Para. 11) The senator stresses many points in an interview on December 20, 2012 on the importance and responsibility that Congress has to make aShow MoreRelatedTelevision : Violence And Television1187 Words  | 5 Pages Violence and television We live in a society where violence is globalized through films and advertisements. The individual American is exposed to 200,000 advertisements in a day, where Hollywood films portray violence as entertainment and fun, films where bullies and gangs stand out as role models, on the other hand, Hollywood is the main reason kids think, violence is cool and fun. Growing up in a home where I was the youngest boy child in the family. I grew up watching television with myRead MoreViolence on Television Essay1341 Words  | 6 PagesViolence on Television Most people in our society generally have the opinion that violence on television increases aggression in children and adolescents. Does it ? Who is to say whether television has a positively direct effect or a positive correlation ? However, the majority of the people who have researched this topic have discovered that violence on television is indeed one of the prime factors contributing to the increase in violent and aggressive behavior among the youth in societyRead More Violence On Television Essay1023 Words  | 5 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The issue of television violence and its influence on children’s behavior troubles me. Television violence seems to be becoming abundant and violence seems to be increasing. This may be a dangerous form of entertainment, especially when young children become involved. The majority of television programs viewed by children contain large amounts of violence and inappropriate material. Children’s vulnerability poses as the main problem due to desensitization. Psychologists’Read MoreViolence And Sex On Television898 Words  | 4 Pages Violence and Sex on Television: Effects on the Younger Audience In today’s society, the media is used greatly for communication, advertisement, information, and for numerous other reasons. The world has evolved by technological advances as well as by the type of content that is put out on the internet, radio, and especially on television. In particular, violence and sex are two of the most controversial content types that have been recently used loosely in the present as compared to theRead MoreEssay Television Violence627 Words  | 3 PagesTelevision Violence Violence is one of the most primary and controversial issues in today’s society. And true that violence is on the rise. A major concern for many parents is the violence within television shows and movies, and the effect on children’s aggression. I particularly do not believe that violence in television affects children’s aggression, but who am I to say such a thing, for I am not a qualified psychologist. But I have many reasons for my accusation and references to back itRead MoreViolence on Television Essay456 Words  | 2 PagesAmerican culture is infatuated with violence. Childhood, education, and families are affected by violent television. News reported a child causing a fire that burnt down their house. While the mother was out to get something from the store, she came back and saw that her son is outside while the house is still burning. The little boy blamed himself for the fire. She said it wasnt her sons fault, but she blamed a cartoon called, Beavis and Butthead. How could this be? The mother claimed thatRead More Violence on Television Essay1833 Words  | 8 Pages quot;There was murderers going around killing lots of people and stealing jewelry.quot; This quote comes from the mouth of an eight year old girl after watching the evening news on television. The eight year old girl claims that she is afraid quot;when there is a murder near because you never know if he could be in townquot; (Cullingford, 61). A recent report from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) pools evidence from over 2,500 studies within the last decade on over 100,000Read More Television Violence Essay3780 Words  | 16 Pages Television violence and its effects on viewers has been a controversial issue for many years. Some viewers believe that there is an increasingly large amount of violence on television and this widespread public concern has quot;led to calls for stricter controls on the depiction of violence in programmesquot; (Gunter and McAleer 1990:92). Exactly how much violence is there on television though? Many cultivation theorists have studied this, acquiring data in the form of content analysis. TheyRead More Television Violence Essay1326 Words  | 6 PagesTelevision Violence On April 20, 1999, a tragic event took place in an environment where children should feel safe. At Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, twelve students and one teacher were tragically gunned down by two boys, one seventeen years old, and one eighteen years old. Recently in Michigan, a first grader brought a gun to school and shot and killed a fellow classmate. These tragedies can be seen as a result of many different factors, such as violence in the home, accessRead More Television Violence and Domestic Violence Essay2548 Words  | 11 PagesWe examined the various forms of television violence and domestic violence in America. We provided statistics showing the amounts of violence facts about adolescent exposure. We compared and contrasted the differing effects of both and implemented a study to analyze the similarities. We observed children and gathered data regarding their response to specific kinds of violence and the psychological effects of each. We expected that the effects of television violence and domestic would be strikingly
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Use of Database Management Systems to Meet Business Needs.
Use of database management systems to meet business needs. Submitted By: Course Title: Strategic Planning for Database Systems Date: Introduction Globalization and increased speed in business intensify competition, and most firms need to continuously innovate to ensure long term competitiveness. (Bjork and Magnusson, 2009) In the last couple of years business has seen huge transformations from the way it is conducted. Any small business may eventually grow into a bigger one or may even develop into a huge company or corporation in the future. However, these foreseen growth and development will not just happen in a mouse click or a wink of an eye. This process needs hard work and proper management to flourish each day. For†¦show more content†¦* Desktop databases are user-friendly. Desktop DBMSs usually offer an easy-to-navigate graphical user interface * Desktop databases offer web solutions. Many modern desktop databases provide web functionality enabling you to publish your data on the web in a static or dynamic fashion Server Databases Server databases, such as Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle and IBM DB2, offer organizations the ability to manage large amounts of data efficiently and in a manner that enables many users to access and update the data simultaneously. The benefits achieved through the use of a server-based system are diverse. * Flexibility. Server-based databases can handle just about any data management problem you can throw at them. * Powerful performance. Modern databases can manage multiple high-speed processors, clustered servers, high bandwidth connectivity and fault tolerant storage technology. * Scalability. Server databases are able to gracefully handle a rapidly expanding amount of users and/or data. Benefits of using Database management systems for business * A database management system will help the businesses to maintain and use data for business operations. Database systems can store data, maintain it and provide easy access to stored data. It allows business to store data in a central location using a standard format. These are called as data warehouses. A data warehouse contains both historical and current data andShow MoreRelatedThe Evolution Of The Data Stored Essay1556 Words  | 7 Pagesas technology has seen numerous advancements throughout the past century. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
How Did The U.s. Expand Westward And What Was Its Impact...
PURPOSE 1 Question: How did the U.S. expand westward and what was its impact on Native Americans? Answer: The United States began expanding westward during the 1800s. During the early 1800s, America turned its attention towards the exploration and settlement of its Western territory. The amount of land had been greatly increased by the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, which almost doubled the size of the nation. Later on, the size of the United States increased yet again with the Mexican Cession and the Gadsden Purchase. From these, the United States gained California, Nevada, Utah, Texas, and parts of Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Wyoming. Settlers swept westward, encouraged by the federal government. The government created the Homestead Act, which offered 160 acres of cheap land in the West under the condition that the settlers had to work the land for 5 years. As the Western territories became more and more developed, Native Americans and their culture were slowly destroyed through laws such as the Indian Removal Act and the Dawes Act. Native Americans were forced onto small r eservations and their children were then forcibly assimilated into white American culture in order to make room for the white settlers. PURPOSE 2 Question: Why did nations desire to expand and gain power through imperialism? Answer: There were many philosophies about the way that America should interact with other countries. Some people felt that America should remain isolationist, avoidingShow MoreRelatedManifest Destiny Essay1433 Words  | 6 PagesDestiny Westward expansion was a key component that shaped the United States not only geographically, but economically as well. The first sign of any expansion West from the original states was when Thomas Jefferson bought the Louisiana Purchase from France in 1803. The country was in need of new land in order to accommodate for the expanding population. Once the country started to expand, its power soon followed. The nation had a struggle with expanding because of the Native Americans already livingRead MoreTransportation Revolution During The Civil War Essay1617 Words  | 7 PagesRevolution The Antebellum period is known as the period before the Civil War. However, it is described as the periods between the War of 1812 and the Civil War. The word e â€Å"antebellum,†means before the war, and â€Å"reform,†means the improvement of what is wrong. The Antebellum period made transportation more efficient for people who traveled. The Transportation Revolution provided several new, reliable, safe and cost-effective ways to travel to different parts of the nation, including new land inRead MoreJohn O Sulliv Manifest Destiny1779 Words  | 8 PagesMon-Wed 11:10-12:30 Effects of Manifest Destiny Conquering this new foreign land was the plan for English settlers that sailed here and landed on to the eastern coast of America. After many years had passed, John O Sullivan, a democratic leader, named this progressive movement Manifest destiny in 1845. The term Manifest Destiny originated in the 1840s. It expressed the belief that it was US Americans mission to expand their civilization and institutions across the breadth of North America. ManifestRead MoreKmad2532 Words  | 11 Pages  the  federal  government  promoted  westward  expansion  in  a variety of ways.  This expansion changed the shape and character of the country. Task:  Using  information  from  the  documents  and  your  knowledge  of  United  States history, answer the questions that follow each document in Part A.  Your answers to the questions will help write the Part B essay in which you will be asked to  ·Ã‚  Describe the actions taken by the federal government that led to westward expansion during the 1800s Read MoreEssay about The Industrial Revolution in America1118 Words  | 5 PagesAmerica has been expanding and growing since its birth out of Great Britain. The Industrial Revolution has been an influence in the American life since it first began in the 1700s. Many of the effects resulting from the revolution still affect America to this day. The entrepreneurs of this time and their industry still are around, although they have molded and shaped themselves into better products their still known from the originality of it all. Although the Industrial Revolution began hundredsRead MoreAP US essay1815 Words  | 8 Pagesï » ¿Step 1: State Your Argument Based on your existing knowledge of American Indian–colonial relations in North America, write an argument to use as the basis of your research. The French experienced the best relationship with the natives as they were very cooperative with the Natives, peacefully tried to convert them and married Native women and integrated with them. The Spanish came behind the French as they integrated with them as well however they were much more violent in exploiting them for resourcesRead MoreThe Treatment Of Indians By The French And Indians Essay2006 Words  | 9 PagesPromises The treatment of Indians by the French in Canada and English in Massachusetts was dramatic. The French had proceeded there way to North America and arrived in the 1500’s and was interested in establishing trading posts. There were settlements on St. Lawrence River that came to the point as a serving (as a base from which to invade and conquer the kingdom of Saguenay). The trade between the French and Indians was a development from these enterprises in trading military forts. There were many itemsRead MoreNative Americans During The World Today2319 Words  | 10 PagesIn the world today, many are cognizant of the injustices faced by Native Americans as a result of the westward expansion of white settlers. Nevertheless, one incident in the antiquity of White-Indian interactions is, in many ways, distinct, and founds one of the nation’s shadiest moments: the aggressive and forced removal of thousands of Cherokee peoples from their ancestral birthplace in the Southern h ighlands of Georgia from 1838 to 1839. Known today as â€Å"The Trail of Tears,†following their evictionRead MoreThe War of 1812 and Its Effects on American Nationalism2077 Words  | 9 Pagesevolution and ripening of American nationalism, unification, and economic prowess. The war of 1812 was a very problematic war. States did not fulfill their duties, while commanders and leaders were not informed or supplied enough to keep up the war. But what awakened during this time and afterwards is something much greater then victory. The war wasnt just about Britain holding land and impressing American sailors into their navy; it was a second war of independence. It was the first war as a unitedRead MoreEssay about The War Of 1812 And Its Effects On American Nationalism2060 Words  | 9 Pagesevolution and ripening of American nationalism, unification, and economic prowess. The war of 1812 was a very problematic war. States did not fulfill their duties, while commanders and leaders were not informed or supplied enough to keep up the war. But what awakened during this time and afterwards is something much greater then victory. The war wasn’t just about Britain holding land and impressing American sailors into their navy; it was a second war of independence. It was the first war as a united
Scheduling System Free Essays
Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Project context Nowadays, computer technology is vast and changing the lives of every walks of life. Almost all of the establishments, business sectors, schools and universities had their own updates of computer technology. This change improves the marketing strategy that makes them globally competitive. We will write a custom essay sample on Scheduling System or any similar topic only for you Order Now Different application had been used and had been improved; most especially when it comes to examination scheduling system. According to the registrar’s the current system of Pan Pacific University North Philippines is not effective in times of posting examination schedule. Some students and teachers are not satisfied about the system that they are using. There are some errors that we need to correct in terms of the time of the examinations period. The current system is also not helping the student’s but they are wasting their time to find their rooms. And also they have a human error that they encountered. The examination scheduling system purposed is to facilitate the preparation of examination schedules to reduce manual involvement and the amount of time taken to prepare examination schedules. This system is made possible with the creation of a database that collects information pertaining to the examination schedules such as lecturers’ preferences of invigilation dates and time and their constraints. Besides, the system also allows lecturers to provide feedback and any other relevant information to the scheduling committee. This system benefits especially the Administration Office of institutions of PUNP because it enables them to produce comprehensive examination schedule. The current examination scheduling system of Pan Pacific University North Philippines, Tayug, Campus is the registrar will arrange the scheduled examination for the student’s, it is divided into four terms prelim, midterm, semi-final and final examinations happens in three day examination’s and then the printed output of the examination will be posted on the bulletin board. First the student’s will pay for their tuition fee to be able get a permit in order to take their examination. Then the students’ will check on their assigned scheduled examination subject’s to their assigned date, time, room as well as the proctor of the examination. The developers propose this system to help the school in making a new computerized scheduling examination system. In the three day examination we like to separate the regular and irregular student’s to take their examinations. Company Profile Panpacific University North Philippines, Tayug Campus was formerly known as East Pangasinan Colleges of Science and Technology (ePCST) located at Lopez Jaena Street, TayugPangasinan is a branch of Pangasinan Colleges of Science and Technology main located at Urdaneta City, Pangasinan. It stared its operation in June 2004, Formerly at Bonifacio St. Pangasinan one storey building with seven classrooms excluding its different laboratory rooms. On its 2nd year operation, the number of students became double from 300 to 600 or more. So they started develop new location of the school in preparation on its 3rd year operation located at Lopez Jaena St. Tayug, Pangasinan, because of blooming population of students enrolling in ePCST. As expected on the following year of operation, all student of ePCST moved in Lopez Jaena St. with 20 classrooms and building administration officers. Enrolled number of students doubles especially in Nursing and Care Giving courses. EPCST also offered Montessori courses, BS Elementary Education, BS Computer Science, BS Criminology, BS Information Technology, BS Hotel and Restaurant Management and 2 years TESDA courses. In November 2007, a university is born. EPCST became an affiliate of PUNP main campus, Panpacific University North Philippines, Tayug Campus the number of students grows from hundreds, now a thousands of students. The 20 classrooms were not enough so they build a three storey building with different laboratory rooms for different courses. Misson To sustain educational excellence the PUNP ensures the relevance of aims, content, practices and outcomes of education in a new era of globalization, information technology and knowledge-driven economy through the constant creation of value in every facet of educational experience. Vision The PUNP as the total quality university of choice in the pan pacific rim now and the next century. Quality Policy At PUNP, quality is everyone’s concern and shall permeate every facet of the university, through an institutional way of life that is excellence – driven, value – added, sense – oriented, and customer focused. Purpose and description The purpose of this study is to develop Pan pacific University North Philippines Examination Scheduling System. Storing and printing of the schedules for the examination period. The registrar or instructor is encountering a major problems, one of the purpose of the proposed system is to eliminate problems of the registrar or instructor. The authorized instructor is only type a schedule manually in Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. The proposed system will change the traditional way of posting schedule in bulletin board. It will automatically get the schedule easily. Objectives of the study The main objective of the study is to develop a computerized examination scheduling system for the students of Panpacific University North Philippines of Tayug,Campus. This study aims to achieve the following: 1. The current system of Panpacific University North Philippines scheduling they are using manual arranging schedule examination. 2. This system is to help the registrars to organize the schedule for the student’s examination. 3. To make easier to access their subject schedules during examination. Statement of the Problem The main problem of the study is to designed develop an Examination Scheduling System of Panpacific University North Philippines Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions; 1. What are the difficulties encountered in the existing during examination scheduling by: a. Admin b. Faculty c. Students 2. What are the features of the proposed system? 3. What are the security measures and control to adopt in the proposal system? Significance of the Study The significance and importance to the field of computer aided design system and information system. The following entities shall benefit from the study: To the Panpacific University North Philippines. This study will be a tool for the administration to help them organized the schedule examinations for the students. To the students. This study will help them to check their schedules for examination period. To the Instructors. This study will serve as an efficient tool for the educator’s to know exactly the assigned areas. To the proponents. This study will benefit the students, instructors and also the registrar to minimize their work. To the future proponents. This study will benefit the future students’ of Panpacific University North Philippines,Tayug ,Campus on getting their schedule for their examination’s. Scope and Limitation The study is focused on Examination Scheduling System of the College students of Panpacific University North Philippines Tayug, Campus. The system is only limited in displaying the course of different students. The scope of the study includes searching and printing the examination schedule of the students. The study also authorized personnel or the registrars to access and use the system. How to cite Scheduling System, Essay examples
Communication Network Support Technology
Question: Suggest a system that will minimize the cost of operation using cost benefit analysis or create a mobile application that will make the site more easy for customers? Answer: The Move Inn Estates is a well known real estates business model, which deals with some old and new plots. The Move Inn Estates is also deals with some various types of real estate web sites of business model. According to various type of the statistical analysis it is clear that the when the Move Inn Estates is deals with different web sites of the same business model than the customers attraction are increases day by day. The data of the statistical analysis are collected by the help of the important feedback of the customers or clients which deals with Move Inn Estates. According to the increment of real estates market the Move Inn Estates is decided to make a mobile application, which deals or work according to the client or customer requirement (Taylor, Gresty and Askwith, 2001). The main purpose of the mobile application is improving the business model and its efficiency of the Move Inn Estates. The Move Inn Estates mobile application is also attached some wide range of other real estates web sites like Houser, Gumtree and Zoopla. These all real estates web sites are also helps to client or customers to find out the details about rental properties as well as own properties. The Move Inn Estates mobile application is connected to the main server of the Move Inn Estates business model, which is controlling and managing by the pre-programmed application. In this Move Inn Estates mobile application some various type of data are synchronize like customers contact number, e mail identity and some various type of useful data. These all data are important data set for the Move Inn Estates mobile application. The Move Inn Estates mobile application is also helpful for each and every clients and customers of the business model. The information of each and every property is store in the main server of the Move Inn Estates application. The data is store in the main system by the help of the networking service, which is stored or transmitted by the help of the internet protocol communication or internet connection. The main advantage of the Move Inn Estates mobile application is providing the best and more information about the rental and own property of the customer or client (Fette, 2009). All the information about the property and rental housing are easily getting by the help of this mobile application. The Move Inn Estates mobile application is also managing the whole services of the business model. The prices of the property or housing is also shown in the Move Inn Estates mobile application, which is quite good and the client or customer are easily seen the price of the property. The satisfactions of the clients or customers are increasing by using the Move Inn Estates mobile application. The Move Inn Estates mobile application is also attaching some best features and best offers like, some advertising of the other web site. All the devices or systems are connected with the help of the internet communication services by the help of the networking services (Minoli, 2003). The devices or systems (like computer, macbook, iMacs, iPads and etc) are connected in the Move Inn Estates by the help of the wireless networking services. The mobile phones of the employees in the Move Inn Estates is also connected by the help of the wireless networking services, which directly connected through the main system of the Move Inn Estates server. References Fette, B. (2009).Cognitive radio technology. Amsterdam: Academic Press/Elsevier. Minoli, D. (2003).Telecommunications technology handbook. Boston: Artech House. Research and Design of the Network Intrusion Detection System based on Support Vector Machine. (2013).JCIT, 8(6), pp.213-220. Taylor, M., Gresty, D. and Askwith, R. (2001). Knowledge for network support.Information and Software Technology, 43(8), pp.469-475.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Hamlets Soliloquies Essay Example For Students
Hamlets Soliloquies Essay To understand Shakespeares plays, you need to understand life in those days. This includes religion, the chain of being, myths magic, little and large and the way things where run. The main religion being practiced was protestant; people that where catholic where known to be potential traitors to their country. This was all well and good, but when the puritans came, life was different. Protestants, Catholics, and puritans are all Christian based ways of life, with extreme beliefs. The most extreme group are the puritans. They believe anything that gives joy is a sin because they take your mind off god. They believed Englands church hadnt gone far enough to its rejection to Catholicism. We will write a custom essay on Hamlets Soliloquies specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The kings and queens where thought to have divine right, this was the right given by god to rule a country. This belief started the chain of being; this is the hierarchy of things living on earth. (Order of creation) anyone who disrupts it was said to go hell. If you accepted it you would be rewarded in heaven. God is at the top, the monarch next, noble men and church men follow, commoners next and finally comes the women. They where said to be inferior to men. In the Shakespearian days, they believed in myths and magic, this includes fairies, magic, witches, spell and prophesies. This was their view of life. Fairies, goblins and spirits where thought to only come out at night. The puritans used to burn innocent women at the stake because they where thought to be witches. They had many tests to see if they really where witches, they where all fatal. They where chucked in deep water, if they drowned they where innocent but if they where lucky to stay alive, they would be named a witch and be burnt at the stake. The puritans hated witches because they where said to be the roots of all desires and disasters. They also believed in little and large. The human bodies where miniature replicas of the universe. Its a little like the micro and macro belief. A whole universe could be at the end of a pin. In this essay, Im going to write about the soliloquies that hamlet uses in the play and how they change his attitude towards revenge. Many people have asked how and why Hamlet has stayed so popular for so long. The revenge tragedy hamlet is one of many William Shakespeare has written. Within all the tragedies, the main character has a fatal flaw, precisely the reason why its called a tragedy. In Hamlet the main character, Hamlets fatal flaw is that he wants the perfect revenge for his fathers death. Shakespeare uses poetic language; this is the reason to this day Shakespeare is one of the most famous writers of all time, even though he died around 1614. Hamlet is still around for educational and pleasurable purposes alongside other titles because still to this day, no one can stand up and say I know this play inside out and I can answer any question anyone can throw at me. Hamlet is a play that every one has their own way of understanding it. One of the questions that a lot of people cant answer is was hamlet really mad? to be able to even start to answer this question; we need to look deeply into Hamlets five soliloquies. Shakespeare uses the surrounding around Hamlet to show the audience how hes feeling. At the worst of times the thunder and rain gives us an image of gloom in his head. Now Im going to write about the soliloquies one by one. .u068ff904d3b370e46840fa2719dffeff , .u068ff904d3b370e46840fa2719dffeff .postImageUrl , .u068ff904d3b370e46840fa2719dffeff .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u068ff904d3b370e46840fa2719dffeff , .u068ff904d3b370e46840fa2719dffeff:hover , .u068ff904d3b370e46840fa2719dffeff:visited , .u068ff904d3b370e46840fa2719dffeff:active { border:0!important; } .u068ff904d3b370e46840fa2719dffeff .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u068ff904d3b370e46840fa2719dffeff { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u068ff904d3b370e46840fa2719dffeff:active , .u068ff904d3b370e46840fa2719dffeff:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u068ff904d3b370e46840fa2719dffeff .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u068ff904d3b370e46840fa2719dffeff .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u068ff904d3b370e46840fa2719dffeff .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u068ff904d3b370e46840fa2719dffeff .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u068ff904d3b370e46840fa2719dffeff:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u068ff904d3b370e46840fa2719dffeff .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u068ff904d3b370e46840fa2719dffeff .u068ff904d3b370e46840fa2719dffeff-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u068ff904d3b370e46840fa2719dffeff:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: How does Shakespeare present the themes of love and hate in Act 1 (focusing on Scene Five) of Romeo and Juliet? EssaySoliloquy 1 This is Hamlets first soliloquy (act 1, scene 2, lines 129-159) In this soliloquy Hamlet is seeking the rout of suicide to stop all his pain and grief of his fathers death and the fact that his mother moved on to another (his fathers brother) so quickly after his fathers death. He compares his mother (Gertrude) to a beast who wants discourse of reason he also implied that an animal would have mourned longer than how long Gertrude mourned for her husband. Hamlet cant kill himself because gods law Cannon forbids suicide. In lines 138-140 Hamlet recalls his dead father who was infinitely superior to Claudius. Hyperion to a satyr a Hyperion is the sun-god and a satyr is a lecherous creature, half man, half goat. In lines 140-145, hamlet talks about the great love between his two parents. So loving to my mother, that he might not be teem the winds of heaven Soliloquy 2 In hamlets second soliloquy, (act 2 scene 2, lines 501-558) Hamlet rebukes himself for his emotional outburst. He resolves to stage a play, showing a murder similar to his fathers. If the watching Claudius reveals his guilt, it will prove to hamlet, that his fathers ghost has said truth. He starts off the soliloquy by criticising himself. o what a rogue and pleasant slave am I line 502. Hamlet goes through several mood changes from the beginning to the end. Soliloquy 3 In hamlets 3rd soliloquy (act 3 scenes 1, lines 56-90) hamlet is thinking about dying and what good it would do. This is one of hamlets/Shakespeares most famous quotes (line 56) to be or not to be? That is the question its a question every one asks once in their lives, and the minority of people answer yes to it. But as the soliloquy goes on, his mood changes and starts thinking harder about what life after death brings and he becomes frightened. This reflects on real life as well, the more we think about what were about to do (like write an essay) the more we get scared of it and put it off. Hamlet looks like a man who thinks before his actions and gets affected easily by real life issues. Soliloquy 4 In hamlets 4th soliloquy, (act 3 scene 3lines 73-95 hamlet stops himself from killing Claudius, his uncle, because he was praying. In religious beliefs, if someone was killed while praying, he/she would be sent to heaven, regardless of his sins. So hamlet wants to kill his uncle at a sinful moment where he would be sent to hell. His own father was killed at a time when he had no chance to repent from his sins and prey for forgiveness, so therefore, he is (said to be) in hell. Claudius should get the same death. In these soliloquies I have learnt a fact abut Hamlet that makes him, himself, and a role model for all. Hes a man of perfection. In my view, he acts crazy to have an alibi for killing his uncle and tries his best to get a perfect death even if he did lose his own life in the process. He is clever and strategic.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Biochemical Engineering2 essays
Biochemical Engineering2 essays How would you like to examine physical properties of a wide array of different animals? Not only that but also research the processes of many organisms? If this sounds exciting, then biochemical engineering is the best career choice for you! Biochemists find many amazing things. For example, a biochemist discovered that increased flexing of a certain pelvic muscle helps to stimulate the activity in your brain. If you wanted a great job like this college is not always required. You can get internships with companies. In these internships you help out fellow scientist in there everyday duties. That can lead to self employed jobs which you control the experiments and do what you please. But this doesnt happen often, most of the time you will need to go to college for at least two years for your bachelors degree. Studies at Rutgers University for Chemistry include general chemistry for engineers, introduction to computers for engineers, engineering lectures, calculus, and physics. After you finish college the money will be rollin in. Biochemical engineers in Wisconsin make anywhere between $38,873 and $47,403 per year. For example there is a job in Madison as a product evaluation specialist for a prominent biotechnology firm. They evaluate the operation of new products and their effects. Now you see that this is a very fun, exciting, and promising job. I would recommend seeing your guidance councilor to see what local colleges would best suit your biochemical interests. Biochemistry: Protein Arrays Step Out of DNAs Shadow!, Science Service, Robert F.; 9-8-2000 ...
Thursday, March 5, 2020
The Spanish Conquistadors
The Spanish Conquistadors From the moment of Christopher Columbus discovery of lands previously unknown to Europe in 1492, the New World captured the imagination of European adventurers. Thousands of men came to the New World to seek fortune, glory, and land. For two centuries, these men explored the New World, conquering any native people they came across in the name of the King of Spain (and the hope of gold). They came to be known as the conquistadors. Who were these men? Definition of Conquistador The word conquistador comes from Spanish and means he who conquers. The conquistadors were those men who took up arms to conquer, subjugate, and convert native populations in the New World. Who Were the Conquistadors? Conquistadors came from all over Europe. Some were German, Greek, Flemish, and so on, but most of them came from Spain, particularly southern and southwestern Spain. The conquistadors typically came from families ranging from the poor to the lower nobility. The very high-born rarely needed to set off in search of adventure. Conquistadors had to have some money to purchase the tools of their trade, such as weapons, armor, and horses. Many of them were veteran professional soldiers who had fought for Spain in other wars, like the reconquest of the Moors (1482-1492) or the Italian Wars (1494-1559). Pedro de Alvarado was a typical example. He was from the province of Extremadura in southwestern Spain and was the younger son of a minor noble family. He could not expect any inheritance, but his family had enough money to purchase good weapons and armor for him. He came to the New World in 1510 specifically to seek his fortune as a conquistador. Armies Although most of the conquistadors were professional soldiers, they werent necessarily well-organized. They were not a standing army in the sense that we think of it. In the New World, at least, they were more like mercenaries. They were free to join any expedition they wanted to and could theoretically leave at any time, although they tended to see things through. They were organized by units. Footmen, harquebusiers, cavalry, and so on served under trusted captains who were responsible to the expedition leader. Conquistador Expeditions Expeditions, such as Pizarros Inca campaign or the countless searches for the city of El Dorado, were expensive and privately financed (although the King still expected his 20 percent cut of any valuables discovered). Sometimes the conquistadors themselves chipped in funds for an expedition in the hopes that it would discover great wealth. Investors were also involved: wealthy men who would provision and equip an expedition expecting a share of the spoils if it discovered and looted a rich native kingdom. There was some bureaucracy involved, as well. A group of conquistadors could not just pick up their swords and head off into the jungle. They had to secure official written and signed permission from certain colonial officials first. Weapons and Armor Armor and weapons were crucially important for a conquistador. Footmen had heavy armor and swords made of fine Toledo steel if they could afford them. Crossbowmen had their crossbows, tricky weapons which they had to keep in good working order. The most common firearm at the time was the harquebus, a heavy, slow-to-load rifle. Most expeditions had at least a few harquebusiers along. In Mexico, most conquistadors eventually abandoned their heavy armor in favor of the lighter, padded protection the Mexicans used. Horsemen used lances and swords. Larger campaigns might have some artillerymen and cannons along, as well as shot and powder. Loot and the Encomienda System Some conquistadors claimed that they were attacking the New World natives to spread Christianity and save the natives from damnation. Many of the conquistadors were, indeed, religious men. However, the conquistadors were far more interested in gold and loot. The Aztecs and Inca Empires were rich in gold, silver, precious stones, and other things the Spanish found less valuable, like brilliant clothes made of bird feathers. Conquistadors who participated in any successful campaign were given shares based on many factors. The king and the expedition leader (like Hernan Cortes) each received 20 percent of all loot. After that, it was divided up among the men. Officers and horsemen got a larger cut than foot soldiers, as did crossbowmen, harquebusiers, and artillerymen. After the King, officers, and other soldiers had all gotten their cut, there was often not much left for the common soldiers. One prize which could be used to buy off conquistadors was the gift of an encomienda. An encomienda was land given to a conquistador, usually with natives already living there. The word encomienda comes from a Spanish verb meaning to entrust. In theory, the conquistador or colonial official receiving an encomienda had the duty of providing protection and religious instruction to the natives on his land. In return, the natives would work in mines, produce food or trade goods, and so on. In practice, it was little more than slavery. Abuses The historical record abounds in examples of conquistadors murdering and tormenting native populations, and these horrors are far too numerous to list here. Defender of the Indies Fray Bartolomà © de las Casas listed many of them in his Brief Account of the Devastation of the Indies. The native populations of many Caribbean islands, such as Cuba, Hispaniola, and Puerto Rico, were essentially wiped out by a combination of conquistador abuses and European diseases. During the conquest of Mexico, Cortes ordered a massacre of Cholulan noblemen. Only months later, Cortes lieutenant Pedro De Alvarado would do the same thing in Tenochtitlan. There are countless accounts of Spaniards torturing and murdering natives to obtain the location of the gold. One common technique was to burn the soles of someones feet to get them to talk. One example was Emperor Cuauhtà ©moc of the Mexica, whose feet were burned by the Spanish to make him tell them where they could find more gold. Famous Conquistadors Famous conquistadors who have been remembered in history include Francisco Pizarro, Juan Pizarro, Hernando Pizarro, Diego de Almagro, Diego Velazquez de Cuellar, Vasco Nunez de Balboa, Juan Ponce de Leon, Panfilo de Narvaez, Lope de Aguirre, and Francisco de Orellana. Legacy At the time of the conquest, Spanish soldiers were among the finest in the world. Spanish veterans from dozens of Europeans battlefields flocked to the New World, bringing their weapons, experience, and tactics with them. Their deadly combination of greed, religious zeal, ruthlessness, and superior weaponry proved too much for native armies to handle, especially when combined with lethal European diseases, such as smallpox, which decimated native ranks. Conquistadors left their marks culturally as well. They destroyed temples, melted down golden works of art, and burned native books and codices. Defeated natives were usually enslaved via the encomienda system, which persisted long enough to leave a cultural imprint on Mexico and Peru. The gold the conquistadors sent back to Spain began a Golden Age of imperial expansion, art, architecture, and culture. Sources Diaz del Castillo, Bernal. The Conquest of New Spain. Penguin Classics, John M. Cohen (Translator), Paperback, Penguin Books, August 30, 1963. Hassig, Ross. Aztec Warfare: Imperial Expansion and Political Control. The Civilization of the American Indian Series, First Edition Edition, University of Oklahoma Press, September 15, 1995. Las Casas, Bartolomà © de. The Devastation of the Indies: A Brief Account. Herma Briffault (Translator), Bill Donovan (Introduction), 1st Edition, Johns Hopkins University Press, February 1, 1992. Levy, Buddy. Conquistador: Hernan Cortes, King Montezuma, and the Last Stand of the Aztecs. Paperback, 6/28/09 edition, Bantam, July 28, 2009. Thomas, Hugh. Conquest: Cortes, Montezuma, and the Fall of Old Mexico. Paperback, Reprint edition, Simon Schuster, April 7, 1995.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Business Plan for Cafeteria in the Food Industry Assignment
Business Plan for Cafeteria in the Food Industry - Assignment Example The food industry is a global collective of diverse and complex business supplying food energy consumed by large populations all over the world. Food industry captures almost everyone except subsistence farmers who rely on the yield of their farms. I am venturing into the food industry because of its wide scope, which will ensure maximum sales. Recent studies document that food industry is wide and consist of variety of services including regulation of food quality, lobbying activities in the industry, and food safety; nutritional education, food technology research and development, agriculture, financial services, food processing, distribution through wholesale or retail and marketing. The food enterprise will sell fast food by means of retail and food processing (Dodds, 2009). This enterprise will use many methods of food production. Some of the methods will be; one off production in which customer makes specification with every order before preparation for delivery, batch producti on to take care of the large market size with a variety of food products. Mass production method will also be used due to the mass market for the identical food products, and just in time production, where the customer chooses what they need to be incorporated in their foodstuffs and then the chefs freshly make the food according to the specifications (Gilbert, 1999). This is the kind of enterprise I need to develop a business plan for and this paper will capture all the content necessary ranging from the executive summary, product description, market and competitors analysis, marketing plan, organizational plan, operational plan, financial plan, and a critical evaluation of the industry. Hence, this paper seeks to develop a business plan for a fast food cafeteria, sole proprietorship. The name of the fast food enterprise is Rooda Cafeteria. The cafeteria will serve a wide range of people ranging from Italians, British people and tourists from Italy and other places who wish to tast e authentic Italian food in London. Rooda Cafeteria will be located at Marylebone Lane, London. This is because of the presence of various financial firms’ and brokerages and means many potential people with refined taste who visit this location over lunch and dinner hours. Business Plan Executive Summary Rooda Cafeteria is a sole proprietorship that falls within food industry in London. The cafe will develop a unique business operational model that will minimize overhead costs. The provided fast food products by Rooda Cafeteria will be fast served high quality Italian meals. The meals will cater for multiples and variety and will be freshly delivered faster than any other competitor in the industry. The domestic market, in the food industry, for fast foods is large and segmented with Italian foods representing the top most choices within the market. Rooda Cafeteria will target the central business district that gets crowded during lunch hours with high income individuals (Ha schak, 1998). There are also financial firms, brokerages, shopping malls, local businesses, weekend markets and university compasses all over the place, which will be the targets to provide potential market to Rooda Cafeteria. The owner of Rooda Cafeteria has significant qualification and experience in fields of advertising, hospitality industry, and business management. This will ensure that the management of Rooda Cafeteria is well and productive. Rooda Cafeteria has good financials and this will grow with large positive cash flow. Revenues will as well grow annually as will
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