Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Scheduling System Free Essays
Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Project context Nowadays, computer technology is vast and changing the lives of every walks of life. Almost all of the establishments, business sectors, schools and universities had their own updates of computer technology. This change improves the marketing strategy that makes them globally competitive. We will write a custom essay sample on Scheduling System or any similar topic only for you Order Now Different application had been used and had been improved; most especially when it comes to examination scheduling system. According to the registrar’s the current system of Pan Pacific University North Philippines is not effective in times of posting examination schedule. Some students and teachers are not satisfied about the system that they are using. There are some errors that we need to correct in terms of the time of the examinations period. The current system is also not helping the student’s but they are wasting their time to find their rooms. And also they have a human error that they encountered. The examination scheduling system purposed is to facilitate the preparation of examination schedules to reduce manual involvement and the amount of time taken to prepare examination schedules. This system is made possible with the creation of a database that collects information pertaining to the examination schedules such as lecturers’ preferences of invigilation dates and time and their constraints. Besides, the system also allows lecturers to provide feedback and any other relevant information to the scheduling committee. This system benefits especially the Administration Office of institutions of PUNP because it enables them to produce comprehensive examination schedule. The current examination scheduling system of Pan Pacific University North Philippines, Tayug, Campus is the registrar will arrange the scheduled examination for the student’s, it is divided into four terms prelim, midterm, semi-final and final examinations happens in three day examination’s and then the printed output of the examination will be posted on the bulletin board. First the student’s will pay for their tuition fee to be able get a permit in order to take their examination. Then the students’ will check on their assigned scheduled examination subject’s to their assigned date, time, room as well as the proctor of the examination. The developers propose this system to help the school in making a new computerized scheduling examination system. In the three day examination we like to separate the regular and irregular student’s to take their examinations. Company Profile Panpacific University North Philippines, Tayug Campus was formerly known as East Pangasinan Colleges of Science and Technology (ePCST) located at Lopez Jaena Street, TayugPangasinan is a branch of Pangasinan Colleges of Science and Technology main located at Urdaneta City, Pangasinan. It stared its operation in June 2004, Formerly at Bonifacio St. Pangasinan one storey building with seven classrooms excluding its different laboratory rooms. On its 2nd year operation, the number of students became double from 300 to 600 or more. So they started develop new location of the school in preparation on its 3rd year operation located at Lopez Jaena St. Tayug, Pangasinan, because of blooming population of students enrolling in ePCST. As expected on the following year of operation, all student of ePCST moved in Lopez Jaena St. with 20 classrooms and building administration officers. Enrolled number of students doubles especially in Nursing and Care Giving courses. EPCST also offered Montessori courses, BS Elementary Education, BS Computer Science, BS Criminology, BS Information Technology, BS Hotel and Restaurant Management and 2 years TESDA courses. In November 2007, a university is born. EPCST became an affiliate of PUNP main campus, Panpacific University North Philippines, Tayug Campus the number of students grows from hundreds, now a thousands of students. The 20 classrooms were not enough so they build a three storey building with different laboratory rooms for different courses. Misson To sustain educational excellence the PUNP ensures the relevance of aims, content, practices and outcomes of education in a new era of globalization, information technology and knowledge-driven economy through the constant creation of value in every facet of educational experience. Vision The PUNP as the total quality university of choice in the pan pacific rim now and the next century. Quality Policy At PUNP, quality is everyone’s concern and shall permeate every facet of the university, through an institutional way of life that is excellence – driven, value – added, sense – oriented, and customer focused. Purpose and description The purpose of this study is to develop Pan pacific University North Philippines Examination Scheduling System. Storing and printing of the schedules for the examination period. The registrar or instructor is encountering a major problems, one of the purpose of the proposed system is to eliminate problems of the registrar or instructor. The authorized instructor is only type a schedule manually in Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. The proposed system will change the traditional way of posting schedule in bulletin board. It will automatically get the schedule easily. Objectives of the study The main objective of the study is to develop a computerized examination scheduling system for the students of Panpacific University North Philippines of Tayug,Campus. This study aims to achieve the following: 1. The current system of Panpacific University North Philippines scheduling they are using manual arranging schedule examination. 2. This system is to help the registrars to organize the schedule for the student’s examination. 3. To make easier to access their subject schedules during examination. Statement of the Problem The main problem of the study is to designed develop an Examination Scheduling System of Panpacific University North Philippines Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions; 1. What are the difficulties encountered in the existing during examination scheduling by: a. Admin b. Faculty c. Students 2. What are the features of the proposed system? 3. What are the security measures and control to adopt in the proposal system? Significance of the Study The significance and importance to the field of computer aided design system and information system. The following entities shall benefit from the study: To the Panpacific University North Philippines. This study will be a tool for the administration to help them organized the schedule examinations for the students. To the students. This study will help them to check their schedules for examination period. To the Instructors. This study will serve as an efficient tool for the educator’s to know exactly the assigned areas. To the proponents. This study will benefit the students, instructors and also the registrar to minimize their work. To the future proponents. This study will benefit the future students’ of Panpacific University North Philippines,Tayug ,Campus on getting their schedule for their examination’s. Scope and Limitation The study is focused on Examination Scheduling System of the College students of Panpacific University North Philippines Tayug, Campus. The system is only limited in displaying the course of different students. The scope of the study includes searching and printing the examination schedule of the students. The study also authorized personnel or the registrars to access and use the system. How to cite Scheduling System, Essay examples
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