Thursday, January 2, 2020
Conjugating Croître in French
In French, there are a few options for saying to grow. One of those is croà ®tre and is the subject of this verb conjugation lesson. Yet, you may also wish to learn or use the verbs grandir (to grow) and viellier (to grow old) as well. Conjugating the French Verb Croà ®tre Verb conjugations are required to express the verb in the present, future, or past tense. For instance, growing and grew are English conjugations, though in French things are a little more complex. Thats because we must be concerned about the subject pronoun as well as when the verb is happening. Croà ®tre is an irregular verb, meaning that it does not follow a standard conjugation pattern. You will need to memorize these conjugations without the help of any similar verbs you may already know. Yet, once you identify the endings for croà ®tre, they can also be applied to accroà ®tre (to increase) and dà ©croà ®tre (to decrease). When studying these conjugations, watch out for the changes to the verb stem. Some replace the circumflex à ® with an I and in others forms, you will find a circumflex à » in its place. This is a rather tricky conjugation, so take your time. Using the table, pair the appropriate subject pronoun with the verbs tense. For instance, I grow is je croà ®s while we will grow is nous croà ®trons. Subject Present Future Imperfect je croà ®s croà ®trai croissais tu croà ®s croà ®tras croissais il croà ®t croà ®tra croissait nous croissons croà ®trons croissions vous croissez croà ®trez croissiez ils croissent croà ®tront croissaient The Present Participle of Croà ®tre The present participle of croà ®tre is croissant. This is a verb, though in some circumstances its also an adjective, gerund, or noun. A Past Tense Form of Croà ®tre The passà © composà ©Ã‚ is a common way to form the past tense in French. To create it, first conjugate the auxiliary verb avoir to match the subject, then add the past participle crà ». As an example I grew becomes jai crà » and we grew is nous avons crà ». More Simple Croà ®tre Conjugations to Know The conjugations explained above should be the focus of your French studies at first. As you progress, you may also need or encounter one of the following forms of croà ®tre. The subjunctive verb form will apply when the action of growing is in some way questionable or uncertain. Likewise, the conditional form is reserved for the times when the action may or may not happen because its dependent on certain conditions. Its likely that you will only see or use the passà © simple and imperfect subjunctive in formal writing. In this case, being able to recognize these forms as croà ®tre is most important, especially with the change to à ». Subject Subjunctive Conditional Passà © Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je croisse croà ®trais crà »s crà »sse tu croisses croà ®trais crà »s crà »sses il croisse croà ®trait crà »t crà »t nous croissions croà ®trions crà »mes crà »ssions vous croissiez croà ®triez crà »tes crà »ssiez ils croissent croà ®traient crà »rent crà »ssent There may also be times when you need to use croà ®tre in the imperative verb form. When doing so, you do not have to include the subject pronoun: use croà ®s rather than tu croà ®s. Imperative (tu) croà ®s (nous) croissons (vous) croissez
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